7 things you need to know about today’s Teleport

7 things you need to know about today’s Teleport

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What is Admitad Affiliate Teleport

Features of Teleport that previously existed

New features of Teleport

The Admitad Affiliate Teleport tracking algorithm emerged almost a year ago. Since then, we have expanded its capabilities, improved protection against blocking and the appearance of links, as well as added this tool to the publisher’s personal account. This article describes all the most important updates.

What is Admitad Affiliate Teleport

It is the most up-to-date order tracking algorithm in Admitad Affiliate. Its main distinction from previous tools is that it solves all the key issues associated with redirects – namely, it does not lengthen the user’s path and allows the publisher to save money.

Teleport currently offers two sets of solutions for publishers, which are API and Script. Script is more convenient for those site owners who do not possess back-end development skills. Read about how Teleport works in our previous articles.

Features of Teleport that previously existed

1) Teleport API: nice links

Old affiliate links intimidated users with their length or suspicious external domains. Links from the Teleport API look like customary links to the publisher’s site as there is no visible transition to the affiliate network site. Accordingly, the publisher’s conversion increases, and they can bring the advertiser more orders and, as a result, earn more.

2) Resistance to blocking

When using the Teleport API, tracking takes place on the server side, and the Admitad domain is not mentioned in the browser. This makes affiliate links invisible to ad blockers and antiviruses as they cannot distinguish them from regular links and block them.

In Teleport Script, links with the Admitad domain are present in the browser, yet the transition is done not via them but via the advertiser’s links. Thus, the publisher does not lose orders due to the user’s software.

3) Improved conversions while complying with the GDPR

The user visits only the publisher’s site, so there is no need to request his consent to the processing of data by the affiliate network. For compliance with the GDPR procedures, it is sufficient that this permission was obtained by the publisher himself and transferred to Admitad. This increases the likelihood that the user will reach the end of the funnel.

New features of Teleport

More than six months have passed since the release of the last update. Since then, we have accumulated several important new features.

4)    Teleport Script: now in your personal account

The Teleport section has been added to the affiliate network’s publisher account. In it, you can generate a script for your site, and the system will automatically substitute the names of publishers and sites. The script is universal, but there is also a separate solution for Blogger.com.

5) Teleport API: supporting SubIDs

Now, requests to the Admitad API also support SubIDs – custom parameters that help the publisher track the effectiveness of certain campaigns. As before, one link can contain up to five different SubIDs.

6) Teleport API: new mandatory parameters

We added parameters user_agent, referer, ip_addr that are needed for the correct operation of geo-filtering, mobile attribution, and anti-fraud.

 As of December 1, 2021, these parameters will be mandatory. If you fail to register them in API requests, tracking via Teleport will not work. [2] 

If for some reason you are unable to provide such parameters, we recommend that you revert to tracking via the classic redirect.

In addition, in accordance with clause 9.6 of the Rules for Publishers, they must obtain and store the consent of users to transfer their identifiers to Admitad. Contact your affiliate network manager or send a ticket request to conclude an agreement on the processing of personal data. 

7) No more tests

Previously, an A/B test was configured for Teleport users by default: half of the traffic went via Teleport and the other half, via the classic redirect. Now, entire tracking via Teleport is enabled by default.

How to set up Admitad Affiliate Teleport?

You can find Teleport installation guidelines at Admitad Support. If you are interested in the capabilities of the tool and wish to learn more about it, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material.

Install Teleport and save money!

Table of content

What is Admitad Affiliate Teleport

Features of Teleport that previously existed

New features of Teleport

Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
Founded 2009-09-01, Lise-Meitner-Str, Heilbronn
Founder Alexander Bachmann